Why Ayurveda helps against acne

From an Ayurvedic point of view, healthy skin is a mirror of well-being: if the body is in harmony with itself, the skin also glows. Conversely, there is always a specific cause for skin irritations, redness or inflammatory blemishes. Here you can read how you can combat acne with Ayurveda - after all, in Ayurveda there is a solution for every problem!

What does acne look like?

There's no need to worry if you spot a pimple - not every blemish is acne. On the other hand, acne is a skin condition that is not only related to teenage years or hormones.

Causes: Why do you get acne?

Acne occurs when too much sebum accumulates in the sebaceous glands. In healthy skin, this is simply expelled. However, if the outlets are blocked with horny material, this is no longer possible. Bacteria can then accumulate and inflammations develop: The skin becomes diseased, as far as the quick explanation goes.

According to Ayurvedic teachings, every person is unique, so every physical reaction has a very specific reason.

Besides stress, acne can also be caused by metabolic problems or a poor diet. © amixstudio - stock.adobe.com

Accordingly, Ayurveda 's first step in the treatment of acne is to find out the root of the problem - after all, it is not only the surface that is to be treated, but the cause that is to be counteracted.

One factor that very often contributes to the development of acne is an overloaded metabolism. Too much metabolic residue, called ama, then accumulates in the body. An imbalance of Rasa Dhatu (the nutrient juice) or Raka Dhatu (blood) occurs, resulting in skin irritation and inflammation.

Metabolic overload can be caused by unfavourable eating habits. But it is also possible that Ama arises on a mental level, for example when you are very stressed or otherwise psychologically burdened.

Acne pimples on the chin and shoulders: the affected areas

Where and to what extent acne appears always depends on the individual case and the constitutional type. Pitta types in particular are more prone to inflammation, but acne is also not uncommon in the rather oily skin of Kapha people.

Acne pimples are most common on the face: there are particularly many sebaceous glands in the chin, cheeks, nose and temples. The shoulders, upper arms and upper back can also be affected. We often sweat a lot in all these areas, which makes the pimples even more likely to develop. But don't worry: as worrying as all this sounds, Ayurveda offers many possibilities to get back into balance.

Ayurvedic nutrition against acne

Our diet strongly influences how healthy our digestive fire is. The more active the agni, the less likely metabolic problems and acne are to occur. So how can you eat when you already have acne?

What diet is good for acne?

Especially important for acne are all foods that strengthen the organism, the so-called rasayanas. This is especially true for Pitta types, as here the diet has the greatest influence on skin health.

Regardless of your constitutional type, it helps most with acne if you pay more attention to these factors:

  • Eat fruits and vegetables with a sweet or bitter taste, such as grapes and radicchio.
  • Prepare food gently by steaming it.
  • Use ghee as fat for cooking.
  • Eat lots of cooked pulses.
  • Take generous amounts of spices that aid digestion, such as ginger, coriander, turmeric and cardamom.

Of course, there are also some eating habits that are not recommended for acne. Your skin health will improve if you avoid the following things:

  • Highly heated foods, i.e. anything fried, deep-fried, grilled, ...
  • Alcohol and sugar, also in the form of sugary drinks
  • Fast food
  • Hot spices like chilli
  • Greasy, heavy food
  • (Red) meat and fish
  • Very salty or sour dishes
  • Too many dairy products

If you want to give your body a good start in anti-acne nutrition from the ground up, you can start with an Ayurvedic colon cleanse. This will get rid of a lot of acne. In our video you will find a summary of the most important tips for acne nutrition and, as a bonus, you will also learn which skin care is best suited.


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Herbs against acne

Very important: If you have acne, stay away from cosmetic products with many chemical ingredients. This "care" usually irritates the skin even more. You can find a natural remedy with herbs.

Calendula, for example, has a sattvic effect, i.e. it strengthens body and mind. In addition, this plant has an anti-inflammatory effect - just the right thing for sensitive acne skin. The taste of marigold tea is bitter and sweet at the same time, making it the ideal mixture for acne.

Steeping dried calendula flowers in boiling water for 10 minutes makes a tea that you can drink 1-2 cups of daily. A mixture of dried and/or fresh flowers and a little ghee makes a soothing, nourishing ointment that you can apply to the affected areas.

Turmeric also has an anti-inflammatory effect. With 1 teaspoon each of turmeric powder, organic honey and natural yoghurt, you can quickly and easily make a paste that you can apply to the skin. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes.

Another Ayurvedic remedy for acne is Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu: This combination of five bitter herbs is often used in Ayurvedic cures to clear the skin. Whether this is recommended always depends on the individual case and is best determined with the help of an Ayurvedic therapist.

Ginger against acne pimples

Ginger is a true all-rounder and also helps with acne. © pilipphoto - stock.adobe.com

As inconspicuous as it may look: The ginger tuber is a true all-rounder and also an effective helper against acne. Why? Quite simply, ginger is a powerful disinfectant, has an antibacterial effect and stimulates blood circulation and metabolism so that toxins can be better eliminated.

You can make a soothing mask from ginger by chopping a piece of ginger - about three fingers wide - as small as possible and simmering it in boiling water for 5 minutes. It's best to use just a few tablespoons of water at first so that the mixture doesn't get too runny, and if in doubt, just add a little more. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of wheat germ to the ginger water. Apply the mixture while it is still warm and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Drinking coffee despite acne - yes or no?

Very few people want to give up their daily coffee - but is that advisable if you have acne? Unfortunately no, because caffeine can exacerbate a possible imbalance in the hormone balance. So this means giving up caffeine, black and green tea.

At this point we would also like to mention: Having acne is not the end of the world, of course. We are all familiar with the occasional blemish. On the other hand, it is just as understandable if people with acne want to take care of their skin again. With our Ayurvedic tips against acne, you can do just that - and feel good in your skin again!

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