Ayurveda tips for the summer

Are you one of those people who are happy when the temperatures rise in summer? Or do the hot days of the Pitta season from June to September get to you? The fact is: In summer we sweat more - but you can prevent this with light summer meals and a smart daily routine!

Ayurvedic nutrition for hot days

An essential factor in Ayurvedic teachings is the digestive fire, called Agni. It keeps the metabolism intact and ourselves in balance. But since summer brings with it a lot of pitta, i.e. heat, the balance quickly becomes problematic: the high temperatures from outside cause the inner heat to drop to a minimum.

The body wants to balance the Pitta excess, but this slows down the metabolism. This condition manifests itself not only in digestive disorders, but also in hot flushes, exhaustion, acne, impatience and irritability. What can you do about it? Always stay in balance!

Summer diet for intact Agni

To avoid adding to the digestive fire, it is important to avoid overly spicy and acidic foods. This also includes citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, although these are often used as classic refreshment aids.

You do yourself some good if you eat as much warm food as possible. This is because your body has to use less energy to heat up the food. So in the morning, for example, eat porridge with fresh fruit to boost your Agni.

Light food is recommended for lunch. Vegetables such as cucumber, courgettes, broccoli and other goodies such as lassis, salads of all kinds and mild spices taste good, do not weigh you down and give you energy for the rest of the day. By the way, the digestive fire is strongest at noon, so try not to give up lunch altogether.

What you should cut from your summer menu

Sour, spicy and very fatty dishes are not recommended: fried food, pork, sea fish, etc. are not good for you in the warm season. This also applies to ice-cold drinks. At first glance, they may seem tempting when it is very hot. In fact, however, they weaken the digestive fire and do not contribute to your overall well-being.

You are much better off with (lukewarm) drinks such as ginger water, peppermint tea with a cooling effect and other herbal teas as well as refreshing lassis. Just try out what you like best!

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The perfect Ayurveda daily routine in summer

To keep a cool head even in the summer heat, it's not only nutrition that counts. How you organise your everyday life also plays a significant role in whether you feel relaxed and balanced.

Strength lies in tranquillity: finding a routine

Some people find routine boring. But the fact is that a daily routine that is always the same contributes to more satisfaction in the summer. So plan enough time for all activities and maintain a rhythm that suits you: eat at the same time, exercise when you feel most fit and keep regular bedtimes.

Of course, you should not force yourself to do anything. In summer, it's normal to feel less hungry and not need as much sleep. So if you wake up earlier or don't feel like eating dinner, just listen to your body.

Get down: seek mental relaxation

Summer can be exhausting, especially when the Agni doesn't really want to get going. So give yourself enough rest and take conscious time out. For example, you can meditate for a few minutes in the afternoon and simply put away all electronic devices - if you are not available for the next hour, this is not the end of the world for anyone!

Of course, the best place to meditate is in nature, but that can quickly become difficult in the big city. In this case, find a playlist with soothing nature sounds that you can play in the background.

Another great way to calm down is with a massage using coconut or sesame oil. Virgin coconut oil, for example, can be massaged into the soles of your feet or scalp in the evening in circular motions to rehydrate skin that has sweated a lot during the day. Caution: The oil requires a particularly thorough hair wash the next morning.

Keep moving: exercise sensibly

Just because it's warm doesn't mean you have to or should give up physical activity. The important thing is not to overdo it: instead of a 10-kilometre run, take a leisurely walk in the woods or cool off with a few laps in the pool.

Ayurvedic cooling: Quick help

It goes without saying, but the best way to stay cool is to avoid the blazing sun. Instead, stay in the shade with headgear and sunglasses. Also, wear light-coloured clothes rather than very dark ones. This lifts your mood and reflects light better.

But if you do start to sweat, pranayama breathing exercises can help: For example, hold your right nostril closed or try shitali breathing. With a little routine, you can cool down very effectively from the inside out. And if nothing else helps, a few splashes of rose water on the skin work wonders!

The ultimate formula for an absolutely sweat-free summer has yet to be found. But with the above tips you can already find a remedy when the thermometer once again seems to know no upper limit!

Cover photo: © kazmulka - stock.adobe.com

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