Start the day with self-love

Self-love, also self-love, refers to the all-encompassing acceptance of oneself in the form of an unrestricted love for oneself. Develop your own self-love. Learn to love yourself as you are. Try to lovingly accept yourself with all your qualities and abilities.

How to start the day with self-love

When you start your day in the morning, embrace yourself as you wake up, gently caress your body and move with pleasure. Lie still for a while with your eyes closed and then say to yourself something like: "I am looking forward to the coming day. And I am happy that I am well rested and that my body is doing well. I love this feeling that I have right now and I am grateful that I am well". Of course, you can also change this sentence. Just as it suits you and makes you feel good. Breathe in and out deeply a few more times and feel into the energy of the day, being attentive to everything that is on your mind at the moment.

The effect: You feel full of energy and happiness right after getting up in the morning.

Then, during the day, feel inside yourself again and again what you need to feel really good. Praise yourself for everything you have done well or simply for your courage to face each day with all its challenges. Live your everyday life with joy and pleasure. Sometimes this is not so easy to do because of other commitments. Try not to override your needs, allow yourself to find times when you pamper yourself. This can be a little time out in nature, enjoying a cup of tea or a relaxing bath. Take care of your wellbeing.

The greatest influence on self-love, self-esteem and self-confidence is our inner dialogue. The words we use to think about ourselves and talk to ourselves internally have power. They influence our feelings and our actions. We can communicate with ourselves in a loving and empowering way, but equally in a belittling and destructive way. Changing the inner self-talk for the better takes a lot of attention, practice and patience.

Exercise to get rid of the Inner Critic

Theinner critic is probably the worst enemy when it comes to healthy self-love. Therefore, try to catch yourself when your inner critic is trying to put you down. As soon as you catch yourself having a deprecating thought, say to yourself:

"From now on, I'm calling the shots and no longer listen to your negative words and thoughts. I'm going to focus on the positive aspects of my life and allow myself to love myself."

This exercise needs some training, as such an inner critic can sometimes be quite stubborn. But you can be sure: as soon as you have integrated this exercise into your everyday life and practise it again and again, the time will come when this inner switch will take place automatically. You no longer have to consciously bring it about. It happens all by itself, precisely because you have practised it so often.

Only when we are truly ready to breathe into full surrender to life can we breathe out in full trust and say, "I open to everything. In my love, my vulnerability, my pure, raw, authentic being."

Love your life, your body, your soul, your humanity, your path with all the challenges that make you grow and become stronger.

Love yourself, smile and shine.
Shine on

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