Yoga for seniors & elderly people: you are never too old for yoga

Yoga for seniors

Yoga is not a panacea, of course - but it has a balming effect on people. Older people in particular can use it to restore their quality of life. Research has confirmed how our attitudes and ideas about ageing influence our attitude to life, both physically and mentally. Through yoga, relaxation as well as joy can occur, discomfort can be reduced and self-confidence can also be regained. The connection with yourself becomes stronger again! Learn more about yoga in old age here.

Yoga for seniors: Small steps with great effect

If you are now wondering how older people are supposed to perform the movement-intensive and complicated yoga exercises, you are starting from the wrong place. Yoga exercises - the so-called asanas - with older people thrive on smaller successes. The biggest difference to the yoga of younger people is the amount of strength required. Often an asana lasts longer or is a little more stretchy and flexible - but that doesn't have to be a barrier to a sense of achievement.

The very normal ailments of this time of life - such as stiffness and tension - call for a modified yoga that addresses these needs. And therefore it is quite clear: seniors can also do yoga! The harmony of body, mind and soul can still be found at any age. Already in the "Patanjali Yogasutras" it is clear: "A yoga exercise is that which can be done steadily and comfortably." So if seniors now use a chair instead of a mat, this in no way diminishes the positive effects.

After all, the greatest added value of yoga is in all situations in life: the sense! The sense of taking care of yourself, taking time for yourself and doing something good for yourself. Especially in nursing homes, everyday life often does not move far away from the favourite armchair and the dining table. Making one's joints more mobile again and mastering proper breathing often turns out to be far more interesting, and above all, beneficial. Especially pranayama and meditation are convincing ways to bring mitigation and new energy into one's life.

The best yoga exercises and tips for seniors

Of course, yoga practice with seniors also entails many challenges. In order to cope with this, it is worth paying attention to a few aspects:

Yoga Tip 1

Sukshma yoga, i.e. gentle yoga, is a good alternative to strength-intensive asanas. These quite simple and gentle exercises benefit the hands, feet, ankles and hips, but also the jaw, neck, eyes and tongue. Plan about 20-30 minutes a day for this. You will see that if you go deep within yourself, you will feel exactly that you are performing an asana correctly.

Yoga Tip 2

The best way towarm up is, if possible, to run briskly, or even circle your joints. Also start with coordination exercises: stretch out both arms and let your hands circle against each other in the wrists - stand up and breathe from your belly.

Yoga Tip 3

With our helpful tips for seniors, you can start practising yoga with peace of mind. © Robert Kneschke -

Beneficial standing yoga exercises are Konasana (triangle pose) and Kati Chakrasana (standing twisting exercises).

Yoga Tip 4

For seated asanas, Badhakonasana (butterfly), Marjariasana (cat), and Shishuasana (child's pose) are particularly suitable, but also the body rotation.

Yoga Tip 5

If you want to do your exercises lying down - on your back or stomach - try asanas like Shalabhasana (grasshopper), Pawanmuktasana (abdominal press) and Bhujangasana (cobra), or the body rotation. However, be careful to do more repetitions rather than holding one position for a long time.

Yoga Tip 6

Yoga Nidra, also known as the "sleep of the yogi", helps seniors in particular to feel the effects of the asana even more effectively. By reaching a deeper layer of consciousness of yourself, you can relax deeply while remaining in clear awareness.

Yoga Tip 7

Whichever asanas you finally decide on - always perform them at your own discretion in addition to competent instruction. If you want to use a chair to help you, then do so. Re-train the coordination of your body, learn to use your hands consciously again and train your brain with it. The alternate nasal breathing Nadi Shodana can also help with coordination and is good for blood pressure at the same time. Even patients with Parkinson's disease can experience a significant increase in coordination with practice.

Yoga Tip 8

Try to acquire knowledge about it and understand what asanas actually are and what exactly they can do in you. Everyone wants to understand why you are doing something. Especially pranayama are important if you stay a lot in a forward bent posture. People in wheelchairs, for example, squeeze their chest through their posture and therefore breathe shallowly. The correct abdominal breathing can be rediscovered in yoga practice. This improves oxygen intake, which also allows more prana to be absorbed.

Yoga Tip 9

Yoga is also a very good remedy for inertia. The asanas strengthen the immune system - which means you can still prevent illnesses in old age. Your body does degrade over time, but you can help it to be better equipped against external influences in a very natural way!

Yoga Tip 10

Always perform your asanas slowly and consciously and concentrate on your breath. Try to clear your inner energy channels and release blockages. This cleansing gives you more strength, flexibility and relaxation again - all of which is also good for the nervous system.

Cover image: © luengo_ua -

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