Yoga for seniors & elderly people: you are never too old for yoga

Yoga for seniors

Yoga is not a panacea, of course - but it has a balming effect on people. Older people in particular can use it to restore their quality of life. Research has confirmed how our attitudes and ideas about ageing influence our attitude to life, both physically and mentally. Through yoga, relaxation as well as joy can occur, discomfort can be reduced and [...]

Yoga for slipped discs: strengthen your back

Yoga after a slipped disc

Especially in the case of slipped discs, it is particularly important to stabilise and strengthen the back muscles again. Often the fear of the pain still haunts you even after a few months or years. Yoga can not only make your body stronger here, but also your mind. With the right asanas, you can build confidence in your [...]

Ayurvedic breakfast: 6 great & delicious recipes to follow

An Ayurvedic breakfast is an ideal start to the day - it's light, yet nourishes and energises us. If you are particularly mindful, you can balance all three doshas and stimulate the digestive fire (Agni). A great start to the day! Find breakfast tips here, as well as 6 great Ayurvedic breakfast recipes [...]

Instructions for the perfect execution of abdominal breathing

Conscious breathing holds a healing power. Especially in meditation you can use this aspect to free yourself from stress, to focus and to come closer to yourself again. An alert mind and emotional balance become possible as a result. But in order not to fall into tense chest breathing, there are some aspects [...]